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Absolute Power & Control , LLC         All Rights Reserved

© Copyright 2013

Protect your investments.

  • Monitor Temperature
  • Monitor Humidity
  • Guard against water damage
  • Real time alerts
  • Customizable Parameters
Environmental                           Monitoring
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Welcome to Absolute Power and Control, the makers of the ECOP monitoring system.  We are pretty sure you know the old adage, "Knowledge is power". You also know from your electric and gas bills that "Power costs money".

Our goal is to give you an absolute understanding of your power usage and the "health" of your home or business. Using this knowledge you gain control of your expenses by identifying wasteful energy usage.  ECOP is not just another kW monitoring tool. It is a flexible monitoring system with rich reporting features capable of tracking a variety of different environmental variables such as power, temperature, water presence, humidity and much more.

ECOP provides a modern user interface built on the latest web-enabled technologies. This allows access from inside or outside the home, using a computer, PDA, or smart phone - anything with a fairly modern web browser and network access - no visit to your app store required.

Dynamic reports provide statistics on a combination of power usage and/or generation, presented in easy-to-read graphics. These reports will help you visualize how minor changes in your behavior translate into real world savings.

Thresholds and Alerts tell ECOP when to reach out to you when there is trouble, by sending an email or a text message. By setting minimum and maximum thresholds per measured value, you decide what constitutes 'trouble' for any given measured value.  For example, ECOP can warn you when the internal temperature of your home is too high or too low, or by including a water sensor, ECOP can alert you to a possible leak in your basement, or a drip pan that is clogged, or a broken washer hose.

Whether you want to track your day to day energy usage or prove that your new Energy Star A/C unit is really saving the money promised by the contractor, ECOP puts you in control of your home by providing you the information you need to help you live more efficiently, comfortably, and conservatively.